Fedora Server on Minix NEO Z64W
linux October 31, 2023The Minix NEO Z64-W is intended to run Windows, but, since it has an Intel chipset, it runs Linux Server pretty well. Until a few days ago, I had a stable version of Ubuntu Server 20 LTS running there. A failed attempt to upgrade to Ubuntu LTS 22 brings me here.
The preparation process is straighforward:
- Download Fedora Server iso image
- Use Rufus to create bootable USB drive
- Disable
Bit Execute
on the BIOS to boot from the USB drive - Next, Next, Next (be sue to enable root for ssh if you intend to use it headless)
Warning: dnf upgrade
broke the whole installation, so I had to start over
Stuff I installed
dnf install
nano samba git qbitorrent-nox pip3 nfs-utils
Mounting External USB Drives
mkdir /media/external /media/backup
mount /dev/sda1 /media/external
mount /dev/sda2 /media/backup
blkid /dev/sda1
cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.backup
nano /etc/fstab
UUID=384A8DB912EAB6E6 /media/backup auto nosuid,nodev,nofail 0 0 UUID=96A803ADA8038AC7 /media/external auto nosuid,nodev,nofail 0 0
NFS Configuration for everyone
systemctl enable --now rpcbind nfs-server
systemctl start nfs-server
nano /etc/exports
/media/external/transmission,sync,insecure,all_squash,anonuid=0,anongid=0) /media/backup,sync,insecure,all_squash,anonuid=0,anongid=0)
exportfs -ra
Disable Firewall
systemctl stop firewalld
systemctl disable firewalld
Reloading USB after unplugging the extenal drive
Check disk ‘ sudo fdisk -l | grep sd ‘
List USB devices: ‘ lsblk -f ‘